Sunday, June 8, 2025 | 10:00 AM
Cathedral of St. John, Albuquerque, NM
Friends of Cathedral Music
CANTATA Series, concert #3
This special performance of the celebratory Cantata BWV 59 will be incorporated into the 10:00AM liturgy.
This 15-minute work will highlight the joy felt on this Feast of Pentecost Sunday.
Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten BWV 59 (click to listen to a recording)
Hayden Eberhart & Jennifer Perez, sopranos
Sarah Nickerson & Kehar Koslowsky, altos
Fred Graham & Curtis Storm, tenors
Alfredo Beltrán & Edmund Connolly, basses
Stephen Redfield, concertmaster (violin I)
David Felberg, violin II
Jeffrey Smith, viola
Katie Reitman, 'cello
Brynn Marchiando, Trumpet I
John Marchiando, Trumpet II
Maxine Thévenot, organ